Mobile Hospital Station MHS-5

We provide cutting-edge healthcare services through our integrated telemedicine platform with hospital-grade devices and proprietary software. QoreHealth® connects patients, doctors and hospitals, while collecting and managing secure data and electronic medical records (EMR).

Our technology operates through QoreHealth® brand telemedicine software and proprietary applications that integrate and connect communications modules, medical peripherals, medical records and analytics tools, powering the mobile telemedicine network.

QoreHealh®’s patented remote stations are targeted with medical-grade devices, generating accurate diagnoses and providing treatment to patients at home or far from hospitals and care centers.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world and changed healthcare protocols for everyone. At-risk and elderly patients are even more vulnerable. QoreHealth® is delivering the right solution at the right time.

Robotec Panama S.A. is the sole authorized distributor for the Republic of Panama of QoreHealth® brand telemedicine products.

For more information about our products and/or services, contact us.

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